The Need 

Featherman Equipment’s birth in 1999 fulfilled the growing need for home poultry processing. Farm-scale and farmer-friendly poultry processing equipment did not exist before we drafted the original poultry equipment plans – the tub plucker, the original Whizbang Plucker, in 1995. Two decades of corporate “food products” and an epidemic of nutritional deficiencies later, a tsunami of concerned consumers demand more pastured poultry products every year.

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The Vision

We envision a food system based on sustainable farming that creates a green earth. The soils are abundant with life and water-absorbing organic matter. The vegetation, harvested by pastured poultry and other animals, teems with body-and mind-enriching nutrients. The stewards engaged in poultry farming are revered for their contribution; the people consuming the harvest are deeply appreciative. All wildlife within these ecosystems thrive. The economic stimulation of local food sheds recaptures an equitable, regional wealth previously lost to the giant food-product corporations.                                   

Joe Salatin

Who We Serve

We stand for poultry farming across the globe and those consumers who support the health of their family and environment. We directly support the passionate stewards, young and old, who consciously choose to leave the world a better place for future generations.

Corporate Disobedience and Conscientious Protectors

We believe the use of small scale poultry processing equipment constitutes an act of defiance and personal freedom. We encourage a participatory conscientious objection to the corporate commandeering of the food system. Using Featherman Equipment products contributes to the protection of our food supply, our precious soil, our family’s and neighbor’s well-being, and our own economic security.

Academic and Veteran Partners – Tools of Mass Instruction

We applaud the bold academic institutions who partner with us to bring fundamental change to the food system. They use our poultry processing equipment and processing tutorial videos to train passionate, future poultry farmer stewards. Our partnerships with veteran poultry farmers acknowledges their contribution and provides them a safe, healing means of continuing their service. In the very real war for food integrity Featherman Equipment is a proud supplier of Tools of Mass Instruction!

University & Colleges

Western Piedmont Community College
Bay Mills Community College
Liberty University
Oregon State University
Sam Houston State University
Southern Arkansas University

High Schools

Golden West High School
James Madison High School
Northshore High School
Olive Public School

School Districts

Sonoma Valley Unified School District
Florence Unified School District
Chandler Unified School District

Featherman Team

David Schafer
founder & chief visionary for a greener globe


Renée DeTar
Administration & Finance


Courtney Gore
Office Manager & Administrative Assistant

Featherman Mentors

These outstanding individuals, each pioneers in their own right, have played key roles in the evolution of the Featherman poultry processing equipment business. With great appreciation we acknowledge their contribution to who we are.

Garland Peter Ferrell III             Greg Gunthorp             Cody Hopkins            Justin Leavenworth           Joel Salatin